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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Kentucky Equine Management Presentation

    Leslie Janecka, the program coordinator, will be speaking. ...

  2. CD Weekly Wire- October 7, 2013

    AD Update: Preparing for the CD Program Retreat At the Galaxy IV capnote presentation, conference participants heard conference closing remarks from FAES V-P and Dean, Bruce McPheron. He mentioned our 100th anniversary on the horizon for 2014 and noted th ...

  3. Assuring Quality Care for Animals Signature Program In-Service

    This in-service will offer sessions relevant to all Extension program areas with respect to quality assurance, food labeling, and animal care/welfare. ...

  4. 2013 Fechheimer Seminar: Dr. Anthony Parker

    Dr. Parker’s research has investigated nutritional influences on growth, development, and resulting production of monogastric and ruminant-based production animals with a primary focus on cattle production systems in both tropical and temperate environmen ...

  5. Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Career Expo- Winter 2014

    Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center ...

  6. Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Career Expo- Fall 2013

    Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center ...

  7. Scarlet and Gray Boer Goat Classic

    Muskingum County Fairgrounds, Zanesville, Ohio Saddle and Sirloin Club ...

  8. Animal Science Seminar: Yang Cheng, MS candidate, and Jibin Zhang, PhD Candidate

    We will have two 10-12 minute platform-type presentations. ...

  9. Poultry Research Center

    The Wooster Poultry Research Centers have more than 36,000 square feet of housing for experimental birds. The Turkey and Chicken Centers are located approximately 1.6 mile apart on the southeastern portion of the Wooster campus. Click here to go to the Tu ...

  10. The Drive to Feed the World

    The Drive to Feed the World will be on CFAES campus today. ...
