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TWEL Linnea Rowse Thesis
Pathways and consequences of contaminant flux to Acadian Flycatchers (Empidonax virescens) in urbanizing landscapes of Ohio, USA Linnea M. Rowse, MS Advisor: Amanda Rodewald Thesis Widespread increases in urbanization with a growing global populati ...
TWEL Paul Ramey Thesis
Population density and prevalence of rabies virus-neutralizing antibodies in a northern Ohio raccoon population Paul C. Ramey, MS Advisor: Robert Gates Thesis The current oral rabies vaccination (ORV) programs across the eastern USA were established ...
TWEL Benjamin Padilla Thesis
Avian metapopulation dynamics in an urbanizing landscape Benjamin D. Padilla, MS Advisor: Amanda Rodewald Thesis Although habitat loss and fragmentation have troubled the Midwest for centuries, landscapes are once again changing profoundly as histor ...
TWEL Tara Olson Thesis
Variation in use of managed wetlands by waterfowl, wading birds, and shorebirds in Ohio Tara M. Olson, MS Advisor: Robert Gates Thesis There is a need to broaden wetland conservation and management to include a greater diversity of wildlife species. ...
TWEL Felicity Newell Thesis
Avian response to forest management for oak regeneration Felicity L. Newell, MS Advisor: Amanda Rodewald Thesis: A bird's eye view of the forest: How does canopy openness affect canopy songbirds? Today, the majority of eastern deciduous forests ...
TWEL Desiree Narango Thesis
Causes and consequences of urban-associated song variation: A study of vocal behavior in the northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) Desiree L. Narango, MS Advisor: Amanda Rodewald Thesis Animal communication systems, which rely upon complex cogni ...
TWEL Edward Moore Thesis
An index of biotic integrity for macroinvertebrates and salamanders in primary headwater habitat streams in Ohio Edward L. Moore, Jr., MS Advisor: Robert Gates Thesis The use of multimetric indices to assess aquatic communities is well established in Ohio ...
Ohio State University’s renowned Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, which opened its doors 20 years ago, is now in the process of opening them wider. ...
TWEL Stephen Matthews Dissertation
Stopover habitat utilization by migratory landbirds within human modified landscapes of central Ohio Stephen N. Matthews, PhD Advisor: Paul Rodewald Dissertation For small landbirds, long-distance migration between wintering and breeding grounds inv ...
TWEL Lauren MacDade Thesis
Contribution of emergent aquatic insects to refueling performance in spring migrant landbirds Lauren S. MacDade, MS Advisor: Stan Gehrt Thesis: Dietary contribution of emergent aquatic insects and consequences for refueling in spring migrant songbirds ...