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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Evaluation of Treatments to Maximize Soybean Yield in Ohio

    Maximize%20yields%20Ohio%20soybeans%202011%20final%20format.pdf 2011 Soybean Soybean Soybean Insects Soybean Disease Soybean Fertility Soybean Growth and Development ...

  2. Effect of Modified Relay Intercropping on Wheat Yield

    Wheat%20Yields%20MRI%20vrs%20noMRI%20soy%20FINAL.pdf 2011 Modified Relay Intercropping Modified Relay Intercropping ...

  3. Effect of Re-NforceK on Soybean Yield

    Soybean%20Yields%20Re%20Nforce%20K%20FINAL.pdf 2011 Soybean Soybean Soybean Fertility ...

  4. Effect of Oil Seed Radish on Wheat Yield

    Wheat%20Yields%20Radish%20Interseeded%20FINAL.pdf 2011 Cover Crops Small Grain Production Small Grain Production Cover Crops Soil and Water Management ...

  5. Private Pesticide Recertification Make-Up/Specialty Crop Video Program

    This make-up/specialty crop video pesticide recertification meets the requirements for private pesticide applicators who need recertification in Core, Grain & Cereal Crop, Forage Crop & Livestock, Fumigation, Fruits & Vegetables, Nursery & ...

  6. 2-Hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    This 2 hour fertilizer training meets the requirements for both commercial and private applicators who currently have an Ohio Pesticide License Pre-register at ...

  7. Private Pesticide Recertification

    This 3 hour pesticide recertification meets the requirements for private pesticide applicators who need recertification in Core, Grain & Cereal Crop, Forage Crop & Livestock, and Fumigation Pre-register at ...

  8. Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference CTC

    Corn University, Soybean School, Cover Crops & Soil Health, Nutrient Management & Water Quality, Manure Management, Precision Fertility, Advanced Scouting Techniques, Technology and Equipment For more details and registration, go to http://fabe.os ...

  9. 3-Hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    This 3 hour fertilizer training meets the requirements for both commercial and private applicators who do not currently have an Ohio Pesticide License Pre-register at ...

  10. How reliable will this year's test plot data be?

    Ohio's corn and soybean crops experienced exceptional growing conditions in 2015, including record rainfall in June and July followed by a drier than normal August conditions in many areas. The persistent rains saturated soils and caused localized po ...
