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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. September 2016


  2. We Exceeded Our Campaign Goal!

    As we celebrate the end of the $2.5 billion  But for Ohio State  campaign, take note that the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences exceeded its campaign goal of $150 million. We have you to thank for it! ...

  3. Alfalfa and Fall Rest Period

              The long-standing recommendation has been to take the last harvest of alfalfa by early September in northern Ohio.  The reason is to allow alfalfa plants 4 to 6 weeks growth before a killing frost to accumulate root carbohydrates.  We have talke ...

  4. We Exceeded Our Goal, Thanks to You!

    Because of your support, the college exceeded its $150 million goal in the But For Ohio State campaign. Your generosity helps scholarships, research and community outreach. Please watch this video, which expresses our appreciation. ...

  5. Diversity, Inclusion & Cultural Competency

    Diversity, Inclusion & Cultural Competency Resources       ...

  6. Collaborating with Advisors, Officials & Partners

    Collaborating with Advisors, Officials & Partners Resources Agencies U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grants and Contracts Office of Sponsored Programs College Grant Development Support Unit College Training in Grants and Contracts OSU ...

  7. 4-H News and Notes: September 19, 2016

    Thank you to everyone that helped make this year's Wayne County Fair a positive and successful experience for thousands of fairgoers, 4-H members, volunteers, and countless others.  Your hard work and dedication throughout the year is what makes our ...

  8. Market Livestock Buyer Thank You Notes Due

    Note: All Jr. Fair Exhibitors that sold market livestock at the 2016 Wayne County Fair must turn in their Thank You Notes to the Extension Office in self addressed, stamped envelope by 4:30 pm Friday Septmber 23rd.  Market Livesotck Checks will not be mai ...

  9. Poultry / Rabbit Meat Pick Up


  10. 2014 Annual Report

    OSU Extension has a rich history in Ohio cities and continues to address today’s priorities, while engaging in research to prepare for the future. As part of the OSU College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, OSU Extension is the universit ...
