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MPHM Online
Master in Plant Health Management (Full) from Ohio State Online on Vimeo. ...
Healthy Meetings
Planning Healthy Meals for Meetings Healthy Eating at Meetings OSU Extension Healthy Eating at Meetings Guidelines OSU Extension Healthy Eating at Meetings Materials Meeting Well- A Tool for Planning Healthy Meetings and Events ...
Practice Good Grazing Management During the Summer
Our recent period of above 80 degree days with no rainfall demonstrates how quickly we can go from saturated soils to looking forward to some rain. For the livestock owner dependent upon pasture growth, our recent weather pattern of 80 degree plus days w ...
January/February 2016
New Faculty Searches
Phytobacteriology (Wooster) Emerging Infectious Disease Ecology, Discovery Themes Initiative (Columbus) ...
Plant Pathology 2015 Highlights
Bruce McPheron Accepts Provost Appointment
After a national search, Ohio State University President Michael V. Drake has named Bruce A. McPheron executive vice president and provost, effective immediately. McPheron previously served as interim provost and, for three years, vice president for agric ...
Consider a Summer Annual for Stored or Grazing Forage Needs
No one knows for certain what the weather is going to do, but we do know that in a typical summer cool season forages in our pastures and hayfields have reduced growth and production. For anyone looking for some extra forage production during t ...
December 2015
Deadline to Order Chicken Peeps
Order your Chicken peeps online through our bulk order. Each club or chapter should make one order, but we understand that there may be 4-H or FFA individuals that do not have an advisor to get together a bulk order. The chicken peeps will come in sets of ...