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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Ohio Supreme Court Resolves Grain Bin Taxation Issue

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  2. Team Members

    Name Expertise Stephen Boyles OSU Animal Science (614) 292-7669 E-mail Steven Reproduction Nutrition Feedlot Cow-Calf Management Stocker Cattle Mike Davis OSU Animal Science 614) 292-4984 E-mail Mike Genetics Mike Estadt OSU Extension- Pickaway Co. (740) ...

  3. Ohio Fresh Foods Corridor to Offer Specialty Crop Production Workshop

    The Ohio Fresh Foods Corridor will be offering a workshop on February 25, 2014 that will focus on considerations and opportunities in specialty crop production. The workshop will feature two legal sessions: "Setting up Your Food Business: Risk Reduct ...

  4. Beef Library

    Beef Library Facilities Forages/Grazing Health Herd Management Marketing & Selling Nutrition Organizations & Associations Publications and Resources Reproduction and Genetics Waste Management Information Drought Resources ...

  5. New Tax and Law Bulletins Available

    We've posted several new bulletins in our library. Go to the tax law library for a bulletin on "Why Did My CAUV Values Increase So Much?" Our food law library has several new additions on cottage food regulations, labeling and sampling home ...

  6. Vegetables

    Mission: To explore vegetable production and marketing opportunities for both current and future Ohio producers to help them increase the profitability and diversification of their farming operations. Mr. Brad Bergefurd, Extension specialist for horticult ...

  7. Marketing and Processing Workshop May 2015 Presentations

    Marketing and Processing Workshop May 2015 Presentations Biosecurity for Aquaculture Operations- Stephen Reichley Healthy Benefits of Seafood- Kory Groetsch and Rachel Fox Know Your Competition- Dave Smith, PhD Making Wise Decisions When Direct Marketing ...

  8. Ohio's New Fertilizer and Manure Application Restrictions are in Effect

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  9. NEW Dog Achievement Program

    Our Mission:  To offer a 4-H dog project that encourages youth to accomplish personal goals and master life skills with their dogs, without competing against other 4-H dog project members. Click here for more information! ...

  10. Additional Projects

    Native Warm Season Perennial Grass Bioenergy Experiment 1999 Experimental design: Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with five levels of nitrogen, three management strategies (number of treatment combination fifteen), number of replication four, and ...
