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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. 'Much to Gain' by Boosting Outdoor Recreation in Ohio: Discussion Dec. 9

    Next Tuesday's (12/9) Environmental Professionals Network breakfast “Connecting Central Ohio to Nature and Adventure: Partnerships Among Outdoor Retailers, Ohio State and Other Organizations” brings together representatives of outdoor retailers and o ...

  2. New Edition of Alumni Connection Available

    The Autumn 2014 edition of Alumni Connection is now available. In this expanded edition you will find out what's new with the Environment and Natural Resources Alumni Society (ENRAS), learn about a generous gift from Dorothy Teater and sons that will ...

  3. Applications of Social Network Analysis to the Study of Environmental Policy and Management

    The SENR Seminar Series welcomes Ramiro Berardo
, Assistant Professor of Environmental and Natural Resources Policy, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources. He will present 'Applications of Social Network Analysis to the Study of Environment ...

  4. Synthesis of argentojarosite with simulated bioleaching solutions produced by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

    Mukherjee, Chiranjit, F. Sandy Jones, Jerry M. Bigham and Olli H. Tuovinen. 2016. Synthesis of argentojarosite with simulated bioleaching solutions produced by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Materials Science and Engineering G-Materials for Biological Ap ...

  5. Blood Drive

    Like the emergency room of a hospital, the Red Cross must be prepared to respond to patient blood needs 24/7. Please help stock the Red Cross’ shelves by donating blood on September 7 in the Ag Admin Auditorium. All donors will receive a voucher for BOGO ...

  6. 18th Annual President and Provost's Diverstiy Lecture and Cultural Arts Series with Kwame Anthony Appiah

    President and Provost’s Diversity Lecture and Cultural Arts Series: Kwame Appiah Photo credit:  On Being  /  Foter  /  CC BY-NC-SA Tuesday, September 27, 2016 5:00 p.m. The Ohio State University Performance Hall | Ohio Union 1739 N. High Street Columbus, ...

  7. Davey Tree Arbor Grant

    Each year the Davey Tree Expert Company awards approximately forty $1,000 scholarships to students seeking a degree in forestry, urban forestry, arboriculture, horticulture or other related discipline. Interested? Read the FLYER and APPLICATION. For infor ...

  8. OSU Chapter, FIsh and Wildlife Society Meeting

    Welcome back Buckeyes! Hope this semester is treating you well so far:) OSU Fish and Wildlife Society will be kicking off this semester with our first meeting on Wednesday, September 14th @ 6pm in Kottman 333C! We will be giving introductions of our offic ...

  9. ENR Tailgate

    Are you planning on attending the BG vs. OSU game? Feel free to stop by the east lawn of Kottman Hall for a morning of conversation and refreshments on your way to the game (12:00-noon kickoff) ENRAS will be grilling up some food and drinks will be provid ...

  10. Working Group Formed to Build Capacity for Science-Based Solutions to Carnivore Conflicts in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

    Jeremy Bruskotter, associate professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources is chairing a new working group seeking to design and create scientific research aimed at managing large carnivore conflicts in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GY ...
