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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Planning for the Future of Your Farm: A Farm Succession Workshop

    Join us in historic Roscoe Village in Coshocton County on February 23, 2018 from 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. for this workshop, which will challenge farm families to actively plan for the future of the farm business. The featured speakers will include: Robert Moore ...

  2. We're Seeking a Research Associate

    OSU's Agricultural & Resource Law Program is seeking a Research Associate to conduct legal research and outreach for the program.  The Research Associate will also collaborate on projects for the Agricultural & Food Law Consortium, a collabor ...

  3. Yield Monitor Calibration for Grain Harvest

    Increasingly yield maps are being used to make field level management decisions such as plant population, type of hybrid, fertilizer application, and soil drainage.  Sometimes yield maps are used for crop insurance information or provided to landowners as ...

  4. Meet Me At The Fair

    September brings colored leaves, Friday night football and one week of wonders at the Wayne County Fair.  Each day, activity at the fairgrounds adds a few more reminders that events will be happening very soon.  If you have never joined us in the Grange R ...

  5. Canner Testing


  6. US EPA reneges approval of Ohio’s impaired waters list

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  7. Cover Crops after Corn Silage Harvest

    A lot of corn was chopped for corn silage last week and harvest continues this week.  We are about a month ahead of last year’s corn silage harvest and this year’s earlier harvest provides an opportunity to get cover crops established on those acres.  Ear ...

  8. Animal Welfare in Livestock Production

    Animal welfare is a term that is increasingly used in livestock production conversations.  Sometimes it may seem that we most often hear about animal welfare in a negative sense, as when a story breaks about livestock abuse. What does the term animal welf ...

  9. Watch for Palmer Amaranth

    Recently palmer amaranth was confirmed in two separate field locations in Wayne County.  Palmer amaranth is an aggressive, invasive weed.  This is a weed species that is making its way northward from our southern states where it is a major problem in cott ...

  10. Corn Silage Production

    Our corn silage production season is about to start.  The primary factor that determines the potential to make high quality silage is harvest moisture content.   If the crop is not chopped at the correct moisture content, it will not matter if all the nex ...
