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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. FCS Outreach and Engagement Forum

    During the May 6 Ohio State University Outreach and Engagement Forum, numerous OSU Extension programs were featured. The Forum provided an opportunity to interact with Ohio State’s outreach and engagement community, share outreach and engagement work and ...

  2. Fayette County- Freezing Basics


  3. Fayette County- Freezing Basics


  4. Fayette County-Basics of Canning Hot Water Bath and Pressure Canning


  5. Fayette County-Basics of Canning Hot Water Bath and Pressure Canning


  6. Reporting

    Reporting 2015 Reports Annual Report [PDF] Adult Impact [PDF] Youth Impact [PDF] 2014 Reports Annual Report [PDF] Adult Impact [PDF] Youth Impact [PDF] ...

  7. Summer Food Service Program

    Summer Food Service Program Resource Materials Sidewalk Chalk Activity Ideas (2010) [DOC] FY13 OSUEXT Presentation DOE [PPT] Dr. Gail Kaye's SFSP Training Presentation (2008) Developmental Characteristics of Youth, Ages 5 to 8 [PDF] Developmental Cha ...

  8. 2016 On-Farm Fertilizer Trials for Corn, Soybean, and Wheat

    Ohio State is looking for farmer cooperators and crop consultants to help conduct on-farm field trials this year. Updating fertilizer recommendations is a major undertaking that will require a collective effort from numerous OSU extension personnel, crop ...

  9. What's Limiting Soybean Yield?

    As I travelled the state this winter, the same question came up, “What’s limiting soybean yield?  No matter what I do, I get the same soybean yield every year.” With funding from the Ohio Soybean Council and North Central Soybean Research Program, I am em ...

  10. Parent Education

    Parent Education The goal of parenthood is to raise healthy and competent children who are prepared to meet the challenges of life. But because infants, children and teenagers do not come with a user’s manual, parents often turn to parent education expert ...
