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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Computer Labs and Services

    Five computer labs  allow instruction in advanced computer operations, including CAD. These labs also function as public computing sites when not being used by classes. Most sites are open to students on a first-come, first-served basis. Each public site ...

  2. Alumni

    Alumni from ATI have made major impacts in their communities and throughout the world. We consider you our strongest ambassadors.  Please stay connected with us! Need to update your contact information? Updating your address with the OSU Alumni Associatio ...

  3. Moles, Voles & Other Holes


  4. 4-H News and Notes: April 17, 2017

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors. Please read through the entire message below to be aware of important upcoming events and programs. Sewing Pattern and Fabric Selection Nights  - Tonight and April 24th! For any 4-H member taking a sewing project i ...

  5. Grape Black Rot Control

              Every year I get calls into the Extension office from grape growers wondering what happened to their promising grape crop.  The conversation generally goes something like: “I had a great looking grape crop and then some of the grapes started to ...

  6. Coshocton County Land Use Plan

    The Coshocton County Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CCLUP) was developed for the purpose of providing a broad strategic framework for the development and conservation of Coshocton County's land resources. It is a generalized long-range policy guide tha ...

  7. Dairy Manure Storage Inventory Survey

    April, 2017 Survey Background Information and Explanation           In early January 2017, the Wayne County Extension office in partnership with the Wayne County Farm Bureau, Wayne County SWCD, Wayne County NRCS, the Wayne County Ag Success Team and the W ...

  8. Pick STEM Events, Workshops, Professional Development

    Pick STEM Please e-mail,, to submit additional STEM events and programs to increase the STEM experience in Pickaway County.    ...

  9. 4-H News and Notes: April 3, 2017

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, I hope you're doing well and are excited about all kinds of fun 4-H opportunities in 2017!  Please click the headlines below for more information and details about upcoming programs and events. Reminder- Tonig ...

  10. Pickaway Co Skillathon

    Skillathons are Pickaway County’s method of project judging as well as the completion of Quality Assurance certification for all members taking beef, sheep, swine, dairy, goat, rabbit (except pet rabbit), poultry, horse (except Horseless Horse), dogs (exc ...
