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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. DEI Newsletter

    DEI MONTHLY NEWSLETTER   The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion's  DEI Monthly Newsletter ran its first issue in January 2021.The newsletter features upcoming events, information on professional development opportunities, and resources to hel ...

  2. Gustavo Garay

    Gustavo Garay 44th Annual Assembly presentation in SOPCA (Society of Puerto Rican Agriculture Science) (11/2021) " Lasmenia spp. a pathogenic fungus on leaves and fruits of Magnifera indica" organized by the SOPCA administration.  Poster. Michig ...

  3. 4-H Volunteers

    Adults interested in becoming a 4-H Volunteer in Darke County must complete the volunteer application process and be approved to serve as a 4-H volunteer.  The application process for new volunteers includes submitting a completed application, reference c ...

  4. 4HOnline Enrollment Help

    The Deadline to enroll in the Darke County 4-H Program is April 1, 2025 The Darke County 4-H program is open to all youth who meet the membership guidelines:  Eligibility for Cloverbud participation begins when a child is enrolled in Kindergarten and is f ...

  5. Garden Roundtable

    Bring your questions and your knowledge to the Darke County Garden Roundtable. Caden will be hosting the Garden Roundtable monthly to discuss various topics. If you would like further information, please contact Caden Buschur at 937-548-5215 or email  bus ...

  6. Garden Roundtable

    Bring your questions and your knowledge to the Darke County Garden Roundtable. Caden will be hosting the Garden Roundtable monthly to discuss various topics. If you would like further information, please contact Caden Buschur at 937-548-5215 or email  bus ...

  7. Blast Off!

    Blast Off! a free-to-attend online parent education series is back. The sessions use Active Parenting curricula--videos and discussions to introduce information concepts that may help participants to improve their parenting. Blast Off! This series will be ...

  8. Claire Stebbins

    Claire Stebbins Director of Development 2201 Fred Taylor Drive Columbus, OH 43210-1156 ...

  9. Melanie Medina

    Melanie Medina Patrick S. Osmer PhD Fellow (Benitez) Selby Hall, Wooster BS Industrial Microbiology, University of Puerto Rico- Mayaguez Patrick S. Osmer Fellowship University Fellowship Publications Medina Lopez M; Lopez Ni ...

  10. Anna Favalon

    Anna Favalon Research Technician (Qu) Selby Hall (Wooster)- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...
