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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. ASGSA Beat Michigan Raffle

    ASGSA is holding a "Beat Michigan Game Day Raffle" leading up to the BIG game in November! The prize includes OSU gear, including a hat or scarf, koozies, a blanket, snacks, and more! Tickets are 1/$5 and 5/$20. There are 2 chances to win, so bu ...

  2. November 25th, 2024

    Welcome to Week 15! ...

  3. Portfolium Resource Page

    The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has renewed its partnership with  and will continue to provide ALL students and faculty the opportunity to create a professional, online digital portfolio. In today’s world, emp ...

  4. Animal Sciences Career Services Site

    The Career Services page on the departmental site has been redeveloped to hopefully make it more user-friendly. Check out helpful resources for building a resume, writing cover letters and more. There are resume templates that can be used to create a resu ...

  5. Ohio State Health & Wellness Resources

    Emergency: Dial 911 University Police: 614-292-2121 Student Advocacy Center: 614-292-1111 Student Judicial Affairs: 614-292-0748 Counseling and Consultation Services: 614-292-5766 OSU Suicide Prevention: 614-221-5445 Campus Advocacy Program for Survivors ...

  6. Monda Student Resource Center

    The Office of Student Life will open the Monda Student Resource Center (MSRC) to provide support for students' essential needs in a one-stop location. Ohio State has many university programs and community partnerships to meet essential needs of stude ...

  7. Shooting Sports Organizational Meeting


  8. New 4-H Year Begins: 4Honline Enrollment is OPEN!


  9. 4-H Holiday Craft Program


  10. 4-H Recognition Night

