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Human Resource Managers' Forum Will Feature Job Description and At-Will Employment Guidance
Mr. John Wargowsky, Executive Director- Mid American Ag and Hort Services, Inc. and Director, Labor Services- Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, Inc. (top of page) Mid American Ag and Hort Services (MAAHS) is pleased to announce the fifth Ohio Ag and Hort Human ...
Changes to Federal Order Pricing Rules May Lower 2007 Milk Prices
Dr. Cameron Thraen, Milk Marketing Specialist, The Ohio State University, Additional milk marketing information by Dr. Thraen On November 20, 2006, the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Federal Order Branch, announce ...
Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms
Dr. Normand St-Pierre, Dairy Management Specialist, The Ohio State University. Feed markets have dramatically changed the dairy nutrition landscape this Fall. Corn prices buoyed by the increased demand from ethanol plants, combined with an exuberant inte ...
Handling and Transporting Neonatal Calves
Dr. Naomi Botheras, Animal Welfare Program Specialist, The Ohio State University Traditionally, most dairy cattle lived on one farm from birth to death. However, transportation of young animals has now become a routine management practice on many dairy f ...
Update on Footbaths for Dairy Cattle
Dr. William B. Epperson, Extension Dairy Veterinarian, The Ohio State University Footbaths are used as a tool to assist in control of infectious diseases of the claw and interdigital area of the foot. Foot rot and hairy heel warts are the main infectious ...
Managing Colostrum and Waste Milk on Farms with Johne's Disease
Drs. William P. Shulaw and William B. Epperson, Extension Veterinarians, The Ohio State University In recent months, the topic of colostrum management in herds with Johne's disease has surfaced frequently. We have known for some time that the causa ...
Health Insurance Deductions and Health Savings Accounts
Mr. Donald J. Breece, Farm Management Specialist, OSU Extension Center at Lima Health insurance costs are a major farm family expense. As a result, much attention is focused on adopting a health insurance strategy that will save on taxes. For any given st ...
Quality Milk and Quality Beef
Dr. Steve Boyles, Extension Beef Specialist, The Ohio State University Dairy cows are a major source of beef. Cows marketed to slaughter can represent up to 15% of a dairy's income. Meat packers are implementing Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point ...
Using Manure with Growing Crops
Mr. Glen Arnold, Extension Agriculture Educator, Putnam County Applying animal manure to a growing crop can add an additional window of time rarely utilized for manure application. Also, applying animal manure to a growing crop allows the farmer to captur ...
Feeding Calves to Grow in Cold Weather
Mrs. Dianne Shoemaker, Extension Dairy Specialist, OSU Extension Center at Wooster Growing and staying healthy- 2 universal objectives for raising calves from birth to weaning. As the seasons change, so must our management practices to achieve these two ...