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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Career Center Open House

    Stop by and visit the Master Gardener table and the 4-H table! ...

  2. Quality Assurance (QA) & Advisor Training

    Quality Assurance 9:00-11:00 am Advisor Training 9:30-11:00 am ...

  3. Allen County 4-H Camp


  4. December 2015


  5. Newsletters

    Ohio Fruit News- This newsletter is published several times a year by editor Dr. Gay Gao, and various other collegues from OSU and other universities.   If you have articles or events for possible inclusion in upcoming issues of this newsletter, please su ...

  6. Adam Sharp

    As the next executive vice president of the  Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, Adam Sharp recognizes the career skills he acquired at The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. “My experience at Ohio State definitely p ...

  7. Women's Center Wednesday, Professional Development and the Forte Foundation

    Women's Center Wednesday, Professional Development and the Forte Foundation (7-9pm) in the Multicultural Center, Ohio Union This event is open to all students at The Ohio State University. Attendees will learn about university resources for women’s p ...

  8. Elevator Pitch Workshop

    Elevator Pitch Workshop:  (4:15pm- 5:00pm) Agricultural Administration Auditorium Are you unsure about how to introduce yourself at networking events like the Career Expos? Want some help polishing your elevator pitch? Come to this workshop to learn about ...

  9. November 2015


  10. FABE Banquet

