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Camp Counselor, Junior Fair Board Applications and Teen Opportunity Interest Checklist Due
Teen Opportunity Interest checklist due October 15 th Camp Counselor, Junior Fair Board Applications due October 20 th Junior Fair Board Applications Camp Counselor Applications Teen Opportunity Interest Checklist ...
4-H News and Notes for September 22, 2015
Dear 4-H members, parents, and advisors, Thanks for a wonderful fair last week! Listed below are several important 4-H reminders and updates. Please click the headlines below for more details. FAIR Clean up Night- tonight from 6-8 pm. Everyone is i ...
Junior Leaders Meeting
This will be our organizational meeting for the new year! All 4-H youth 13 and older (or those turning 13 by January 1, 2016) are welcome to join Junior Leaders. This is a fun organization for 4-H teens to get together and learn more about leadership an ...
Jr. Fair Livestock Buyer Thank You Notes Due
BUYER THANK-YOU Exhibitors selling their animal(s) at the Junior Fair livestock sales MUST send a “Thank you” note to the buyer(s). This thank-you note is to be delivered to the Extension Office in a stamped, sealed and completely addressed envelope begi ...
NEW! Soybean and Small Grain Website (
The soybean and small grain production lab has gone digital. For information on research results, news, and upcoming events in the soybean and small grain lab visit You’ll also see the faces of technicians, graduate students, and unde ...
Pre-Fair Message to 2015 4-H/FFA Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors
Dear Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors, Thank you to everyone that attended the Pre-Fair Informational Meeting last night. As promised, here is a re-cap below of the items discussed last night as well as the committee's decisions regarding Tack Ins ...
Horse Youth, Parents, & Advisors Informational Meeting
All 4-H / FFA Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors are Invited to attend a special Pre-Fair Informational Meeting on Monday August 31st at 6:30 pm in the Sheep / Swine Show Arena. We will be going over several reminders and announcements that will help eve ...
4-H News and Notes for August 20, 2015
Dear 4-H youth, parents, and advisors, There are several important 4-H updates and information about upcoming events and the 2015 Wayne County Fair listed below. Please click the headlines for more details. August / September LINK 4-H Newsletter Poul ...
Beef Carcass Contest Dinner and Awards Program
Dinner begins at 6:00 pm and the Carcass Contest Results / Awards Program will begin at 7:00 pm. ...
Beef Carcass Live Show
Check-In / Weigh-In begins at 6:00 pm and the show begins at 7:00 pm. ...