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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Ohio 4-H at Opioid Listening Session

    Peer-to-peer prevention is a strategy that works. That was the message communicated by two Ohio 4-H teens who were invited to participate in a Listening Session on Opioid Prevention at the U.S. Department of Education last month. ...

  2. 4-H Youth Bring Thanksgiving Cheer

    The Wyandot County 4-H Camp Counselors and their prospective members served Thanksgiving meals to the residents of the Wyandot County Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and their families on Saturday. ...

  3. Calendar of Events

    Here are some upcoming 4-H events throughout Ohio that might interest you! ...

  4. November 2018


  5. International Program Wins Award

    The Ohio 4-H International Program received the Extraordinary Program award and the Diversity in Hosting award from States’ 4-H International Exchange Programs for its inclusive support of young people with disabilities and/or unique medical conditions. O ...

  6. 2018 Posters

    All FCS Conference Poster Sessions [] Poster Lead Author Partnering for Improved Financial and Food Resource Management in Morrow County Candace Heer                                                 ...

  7. Shooting Sports Camps


  8. Farmers Breakfast- History of Tiverton Institute

    Join us at Edie Ryan's Restaurant, 585 S Whitewoman Street, Coshocton for Farmers Breakfasts. There is no charge for the meeting, however, attendees are responsible for the cost of their breakfast. Reservations are not required. If you have any quest ...

  9. Farmers Breakfast- Today's Ag and FFA Programs

    Join us at Edie Ryan's Restaurant, 585 S Whitewoman Street, Coshocton for Farmers Breakfasts. There is no charge for the meeting, however, attendees are responsible for the cost of their breakfast. Reservations are not required. If you have any quest ...

  10. Farmers Breakfast- Recollections of a Retired Master Taxidermist

    Join us at Edie Ryan's Restaurant, 585 S Whitewoman Street, Coshocton for Farmers Breakfasts. There is no charge for the meeting, however, attendees are responsible for the cost of their breakfast. Reservations are not required. If you have any quest ...
