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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Buckeyes Playing Long Game in Tanzanian ‘Feed the Future’ Initiative

    Now about halfway through its $25.5 million, six-year grant, Ohio State University’s Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative, or iAGRI program, in Tanzania is becoming a prototype for strengthening the capacity of agricultural universities to improve ...

  2. Open Food Trade, Safety Nets Crucial to Global Food Security: Ohio State Economist

    Ian Sheldon, AEDE's Andersons Professor of International Trade, recently spoke to the communications team in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences regarding how international trade impacts global food security. “We, as food tr ...

  3. Payment decoupling and intra-European calf trade


  4. Temporary and Permanent Migrant Selection: The Role of Ability, Wage Expectations, and Familial Networks


  5. Camp Counselor, Junior Fair Board Applications and Teen Opportunity Interest Checklist Due

    Teen Opportunity Interest checklist due October 15 th Camp Counselor, Junior Fair Board Applications due October 20 th Junior Fair Board Applications Camp Counselor Applications Teen Opportunity Interest Checklist ...

  6. Faulkner completes internship with National FFA Organization

    Shelby Faulkner, of Urbana, served as an intern this summer with the National FFA Organization in Indianapolis, Indiana. During her internship, Faulkner supported state officer programs which support the approximately 375 state officers who represent FFA’ ...

  7. Penhorwood receives national broadcasting scholarship

    Ohio State student Joel Penhorwood was awarded the Glenn Kummerow Memorial Scholarship at the National NAFB Convention in Kansas City, Mo on Wednesday, November 12, 2014. Presented by the National Association of Farm Broadcasting, this scholarship is give ...

  8. Agriculture + Politics = A Perfect Internship

    Sarah Peterson, an undergraduate student in AEDE's Agribusiness and Applied Economics program, writes about her summer in Washington D.C. where she interned for the United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. The department ...

  9. Undergraduate Program to Offer Advising Sessions for Agribusiness and Applied Economics Majors

    In preparation for Spring Semester 2015 class registration, the AEDE undergraduate program will offer walk-in advising sessions for students enrolled in the Agribusiness and Applied Economics major on Oct. 29, Nov. 3, Nov. 5 and Nov. 14. Students enrolled ...

  10. Remembering John Starling

    John Starling, professor emeritus in the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership, passed away on Friday, October 24. Dr. Starling was a legend in Ohio agricultural education and our department owes much to his pioneering presen ...
