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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Buckeye Shepherd's Symposium


  2. Farmers Breakfast

    Coshocton SWCD, FSA and OSU Extension are once again coordinating a series of Farmers Breakfasts this fall and winter to bring timely information to local ag producers and others interested in attending.  The meetings will be held at Edie Ryan’s Restauran ...

  3. Drying Foods at Home

    Come learn more about basic home food preservation using dehydration methods! ...

  4. PetPALS Assess Your Knowledge

    What have you learned about the different ways in which animals communicate?  Listed are the body postures – Active Submission, Aggressive, Alert, Defensive Threat, Fearful, Friendly, Relaxed, Passive Submission, Play Bow, Playful, Offensive Threat, Start ...

  5. Alumni & Donor Profiles


  6. Ohioline


  7. OSU Extension SPARK LAB Open House


  8. 2016 Alumni Awards

    Faculty and staff from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences are welcome to join us for the 2016 CFAES Alumni Awards Luncheon on Saturday, March 5, 2016, in the Performance Hall at the Ohio Union. Tickets are $35. RSVP before Febru ...

  9. Montgomery County Successful Co-Parenting

    On fairgrounds across from Miami Valley Hospital, enter Montgomery County Fairgrounds gate, take first driveway to the right to the top of the hill.  OSU Extension is the building to the far right with free parking in front of the building. ...

  10. Monroe County Successful Co-Parenting

