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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Family Information Page

    This page is under constrution- Please check back! ...

  2. 4-H News and Notes: April 3, 2017

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, I hope you're doing well and are excited about all kinds of fun 4-H opportunities in 2017!  Please click the headlines below for more information and details about upcoming programs and events. Reminder- Tonig ...

  3. Benefits and Risks of Academy Enrollment

    It is important for families to discuss if College Credit Plus is the right option. Students in the Ohio State Academy program will be taking "real" college classes on campus and in classrooms with older students. Faculty will have the same expe ...

  4. 2017 Ohio State ATI Turfgrass Scholarship Golf Tournament

    You can enjoy a great day of golf and support Ohio State ATI turfgrass scholarships at the same time by registering for the Ohio State ATI Turfgrass Scholarship Tournament on Thursday, Sept. 14 at Hawk's Nest Golf Course. NEW THIS YEAR: Register and ...

  5. Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density

              In a dairy free-stall barn, stocking density is most typically defined in terms of cows per stall or used as a percentage.  For example, 1 cow/stall is equal to a 100% stocking density and 1.3 cows/stall is equal to a 130% stocking density.  Sto ...

  6. March 13th Junior Fair Board Meeting is Cancelled

    Due to the possibility of severe winter weather we have decided to cancel the Junior Fair Board meeting scheduled for tonight (March13th).  It has been re-scheduled for Monday March 20th at 6 pm. ...

  7. Planter Preparation for the 2017 Season

              A few weeks ago you probably could have taken some bets about corn getting planted in March this year.  Our current weather is our reality check.  However, now is the time to make sure that planters are ready to roll when planting season truly a ...

  8. Early Season Forage Considerations

              I have been getting questions about seeding forages, both frost seeding and drilling, and this year’s weather pattern needs to be considered when making a seeding decision.  Generally March is a good time in our area to consider frost seeding.  ...

  9. Communication & Conflict Management

    Conflict is a part of our daily lives at work or at home. How we manage conflict has a direct impact on how fulfilled we feel about our work, the quality of work, and the quality of work from our respective teams or units. Effectively dealing with and usi ...

  10. Six honored by CFAES

    Six of the 14 College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) award recipients have relationships with Ohio State ATI. Recipients were nominated as a result of graduating from Ohio State ATI or in the case of the meritorious service awar ...
