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4-H Fundraising (Legacy Dinner) Committee Meeting
Junior Leaders Year End Party
Believe it or not, Junior Leaders is wrapping up for the year as we get busy with other summer 4-H activities. To celebrate, we will be having a potluck at Advisor Barry Jolliff's barn on June 5th at 6:00 pm. Bring a dish to share and come enjoy a ...
Jr. Fair Expansion (Building Project) Committee
Fairfield County Homemakers
Program: Cooking for 1 or 2 ...
Healthy Meal Planning for Busy Families
Most folks either enjoy meal planning or dread it, but for busy families it is a must. Come explore ideas on how to save time and money at the grocery store while incorporating good nutrition and variety into your meal plans. Download or share this flyer! ...
A Witness to the Birth of Ohio State ATI
Shirley Brooks-Jones is held in high regard by many in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. The former assistant to the CFAES vice president and dean is an Ohio State University legend for having started a scholarship fund for st ...
Steps to a Successful Beef Cow Breeding Season
For the cow/calf producer, getting cows bred in a timely manner is critical for financial viability of the enterprise. For this reason, breeding season must be more than just turning the bull out with the cows, crossing your fingers and hoping for high c ...
Field Corn Planting Depth
I have not seen much corn planted yet here in Wayne County at the end of April, but that will change soon. Growers should make sure that planters are adjusted to put corn in at a proper depth. Corn is a large seed with a lot of vigor and capable of germ ...
Gluten Free Eating
This program is all about gluten free, both for those who choose to and those who have to. We'll discuss important considerations before going gluten free and how to find and prepare tasty and nutritious gluten-free foods. Try a sample of gluten-free ...
Copyright is a very important issue while teaching. When using the following items for class, be sure to adhere to the following guidelines: class videos: copyright law allows instructors to show movies/videos in a face-to-face class, but it does not appl ...