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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Canning Vegetables, Meats and Combination Foods

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about pressure canning.  No fee to attend. Reservation appreciated- call 740-652-7260 or email Kelley Scott at For information about all of our 2017 Home Food Preservation classes, d ...

  2. Canning Fruits & Tomatoes

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about water bath canning.  No fee to attend. Reservation appreciated- call 740-652-7260 or email Kelley Scott at For information about all of our 2017 Home Food Preservation classes, ...

  3. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    Fulfills certification requirements This meeting will fulfill the requirement for applicators who need the agricultural fertilizer applicator certification.  Those with a pesticide applicator’s license will participate in a two hour program and those with ...

  4. Canning Fruits & Tomatoes

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about water bath canning.  No fee to attend. Reservation appreciated- call 740-652-7260 or email Kelley Scott at For information about all of our 2017 Home Food Preservation classes, ...

  5. NEWS: ATI alumnus selected as nationwide Teach Ag ambassador

    ­­ Kelse Brown, of Edgerton, Ohio, was recently selected as a National Teach Ag Ambassador, an outreach program of the National Council for Agricultural Education, led by the National Association of Agricultural Educators to promote the agricultural educa ...

  6. Let's JAM...a hands-on jam-making workshop!

    Shannon Carter, Extension Educator, will guide participants in making strawberry jam from scratch. Participants will be able to take home a jar at the end of the session! Cost is $10 per participant (cash/check only). Registration/payment required by June ...

  7. Food and Fashion Board New York City Trip


  8. 4-H Fundraising (Legacy Dinner) Committee Meeting


  9. Junior Leaders Year End Party

    Believe it or not, Junior Leaders is wrapping up for the year as we get busy with other summer 4-H activities.  To celebrate, we will be having a potluck at Advisor Barry Jolliff's barn on June 5th at 6:00 pm.  Bring a dish to share and come enjoy a ...

  10. Jr. Fair Expansion (Building Project) Committee

