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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Ohio 4-H Conference

    This event is designed to bring together 4-H volunteers and teens from across the State of Ohio. The objective of this event is to learn together and from each other in order to improve our abilities to deliver the Ohio 4-H Program to its members. We trul ...

  2. Extension in the City Website

                Follow this link to the OSU Extension in the City website. Visit the full website for community information, program development, impacts, and resources. ...

  3. Sheep & Goat Webinar 4 of 4

    Tips for Improving Lambing and Kidding Percentages: Management, Genetics, and Selection Speaker: Dr. Susan Schoenian, University of Maryland Small Ruminant Specialist No fee! This is the final session of a 4-part series that is to be held every Monday eve ...

  4. Sheep & Goat Webinar 3 of 4

    Tips for Reducing Feed Losses from Silage and Hay Speaker: Dr. Bill Weiss, OSU Department of Animal Sciences No fee! This is the 3rd session of a 4-part series being held each Monday evening in February. Attend all four or individual sessions. ...

  5. Camp Counselor Training


  6. Registration due for Ohio 4-H Conference

    The 2015 Ohio 4-H Conference will take place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center on Saturday, March 14. All Ohio 4-H teens and volunteers are welcome to attend! Hancock County has traditionally had great participation in this event.  Here's a l ...

  7. Sheep & Goat Webinar 2 of 4

    Tips for Managing Major Sheep & Goat Diseases: OPP, CAE, Caseous Lumphadenitis, Johnes, Scrapie, and Cache Velley Virus Presentation by Dr. Eric Gordon, Ohio State University Veterinary Clinical Medicine No fee! This is session 2 of a 4-part statewide ...

  8. Hancock 4-H Volunteer Kickoff evening session


  9. Sheep & Goat Webinar 1 of 4

    Tips for Fine Tuning Your Flock/Herd FAMACHA Program with speaker Clif Little, Extension Educator Ag and Natural Resources, Guernsey County No fee! This is the first of a 4-part series to be held each Monday evening of February.  Attend all four or indivi ...

  10. Camp Counselor Training

