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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Ohio Livestock Mortality Composting Certification Training

    Composting livestock and poultry mortality in agricultural operations is a legal option for disposal in Ohio. This required training session will certify operators to compost livestock mortality of approved species and apply the compost to fields. It is h ...

  2. 2016 4-H Kick-Off Banquet

    Join us for pizza, snacks, cupcakes and cookies. There will be member and advisor recognition and Honor Clubs will be announced. A DJ will help to dance the night away at the end of the evening. Please RSVP to the Extension Office- 484-1526. ...

  3. 4-H FCS Committee Meeting-CANCELLED


  4. FFA and Agriculture Week Breakfast and Displays

    OSU Extension Darke County will have a display at the Versailles FFA and Versailles FFA Alumni Omelet Breakfast.  Click this link for more details. ...

  5. County Cloverbuds Meeting


  6. Master Gardener Meeting


  7. OSU Junior Swine Day

    For full details and a registration form, please consult the flyer. ...

  8. Planning for the Future of Your Farm

    Day two of two This two session workshop is structured to help farm families develop a succession plan for their farm business.  Attend and learn ways to increase family communication and strategies to successfully transfer management skills and the farm’ ...

  9. Planning for the Future of Your Farm

    Day One of Two This two session workshop is structured to help farm families develop a succession plan for their farm business.  Attend and learn ways to increase family communication and strategies to successfully transfer management skills and the farm’ ...

  10. End of Year Paperwork Due

