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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Yellow Belly? Real, Funny (for the Week of Nov. 25, 2007)

    November 16, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: "Yellow-bellied sapsucker." Is that a real bird? A.: Yep, it sure is. It's a small, shy woodpecker that lives in North America. And it sure has a funny name. Part of the name comes from how the bird feeds. It ...

  2. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Kilimanjaro Snow No Mo'? (for the Week of Jan. 14, 2007)

    January 9, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: What does global warming have to do with the snows of Kilimanjaro? [See last week.] A.: Well, scientists think it's making them melt, that's what. Wha? Yes, the famous snows of Kilimanjaro, Africa's tallest mou ...

  3. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Jingle Bells, Why Batman Smells (for the Week of Dec. 16, 2007)

    December 12, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: I have a question about the words that my sister and I sing to "Jingle Bells." Why does Batman smell? A.: Science has yet to study the question. So one can only guess. Batman might have bromidrosis ("bro-mih- ...

  4. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: How to Stop Another Katrina (for the Week of Feb. 11, 2007)

    February 2, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: Can what happened to New Orleans, the damage from Hurricane Katrina, happen again? If it can, what can we do to stop it? A. First question: Yes. What Katrina did can happen again. Why? Because hurricanes happen. Naturally. B ...

  5. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Horse Meat, Yay or Neigh? (for the Week of Dec. 31, 2006)

    December 15, 2006 Q. Dear Twig: Not that I want to do it myself, but what's the deal about people eating horse meat? A.: The United States has three slaughterhouses that take in horses (many but not all of them old, sick or surplus), kill them, and c ...

  6. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Homegrown Frugal Frugivorous Fruitfest! (for the Week of March 8, 2009)

    March 8, 2009 Q. Dear Twig: You asked this last week: "Why would you want to grow your own fruit?" You mentioned a good way to learn about it.   A. My friend Miss McGillicuddy grows her own raspberries. She has bags and bags of frozen ones down ...

  7. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Hey, Bu'b! Save Dough! Cut Gas! (for the Week of Jan. 21, 2007)

    January 19, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: What's with the curlicue light bulbs? A. Hmm. Yes. I think I know what you mean. I think you mean compact fluorescent ("flor-ESS-ent") lamps, or CFLs. More and more people now buy them and use them. They use t ...

  8. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Hedgehogs Got Milk? (for the Week of April 13, 2008)

    April 13, 2008 Q. Dear Twig: Hedgehogs are lactose-intolerant. I read that in a book. How would anyone know that? A. I turn to a real good Web site for a simple, two-word answer: Greenish diarrhoea. "Greenish diarrhoea," Wildlife Online (http:// ...

  9. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Hawk Makes a Splash (for the Week of Aug. 9, 2009)

    August 9, 2009 Q. Dear Twig: I saw a big hawk in my grandmother's bird bath.   A. Cool. Q. What was it doing there? A. Probably getting a drink of water, taking a bath or both. Q. Why? A. Likely it was thirsty, dirty, hot or all three. A hawk is a bi ...

  10. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Wet, Wild Fish Sounds (for the Week of July 8, 2007)

    July 8, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: Can fish talk? Make sounds? Bloop? Bleep? A. Not counting Nemo and Dory and friends (and Mr. Limpet) (and Rainbow Fish), fish can't talk like you and I talk. But some fish actually do make noises meant for other fish to hea ...
