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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. “Ready, Set, Go: Preparing Farms to Successfully Manage Risk”

    Ohio State University Extension is offering a free, four-part webinar series, called “Ready, Set, Go: Preparing Farms to Successfully Manage Risk,” on managing risk and financial management. The series, can help participants better understand their financ ...

  2. “Ready, Set, Go: Preparing Farms to Successfully Manage Risk”

    Ohio State University Extension is offering a free, four-part webinar series, called “Ready, Set, Go: Preparing Farms to Successfully Manage Risk,” on managing risk and financial management. The series, can help participants better understand their financ ...

  3. Year End Tax Tips for Farmers

    What we’ll cover: Section 179 expense deductions Bonus depreciation Regular depreciation CAUV Update Register at 937-548-5215 by December 14, 2015. ...

  4. New MGV Orientation and Meet Your Mentor Luncheon


  5. 2016 Turkey Poult Orders deadline

    2016 Turkey Poult order deadline 12/13/15 Orders can be placed by contacting a member of the Turket Committee or by placing your order on 12/13/15 6-7 p.m. at the Sales office on the Fairgrounds The cost: $8.00 per poult   ...

  6. 4-H Volunteer Appreciation and Recognition Dinenr

    The 4-H Volunteer Appreciation and Recognitiion Dinner RSVP's due 11/2/15 If you have any questions, please contact the OSU Extension office ...

  7. Lunch and Learn: Go Wild, Go Native

    The first Lunch and Learn program of the year is Wednesday, November 18 at beginning at noon at the Ag Center. Native plants will be the focus! ...

  8. Commercial Grape and Wine Workshop – A Practical Approach

    Hosts: Dr. Gary Gao, David Scurlock, Todd Steiner, Ryan Slaughter Presentations will include the following topics: Growing season in review Grapevine propagation techniques Cellar aging Sensory evaluation of wines Cultural management techniques Identifica ...

  9. Local Leadership Group Meeting

    Click here for more information. ...

  10. Ohio Beef Cattle School

    This will be the first of three different sessions of the 2016 Ohio Beef Cattle School. Find more information linked here. More specific details of each session will be posted soon. ...
