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DEADLINE- 4-H Junior Fair Entries Due- Ext. office open 8 am- 4:30 pm this Friday only
Spotted Wing Drosophila Remains a Concern for Area Fruit Growers
A relatively new pest for area fruit growers, the spotted wing drosophila has the potential to wipe out entire fruit crops because of its propensity to attack healthy ripening fruit. ...
2015 Ohio Department of Agriculture Livestock Quality Assurance and Skillathon Requirements
Again this year it will be mandatory FOR ALL Junior Fair livestock exhibitors (4-H and FFA) to attend a quality assurance program before showing their animals at the Wayne County or Ohio State Junior Fair. Exhibitors of market steers, market dairy steer ...
4-H Dairy Clinic- Ayers Farm
Clinic to be held at Ayer's Farm, 820 State Route 39, Perrysville, OH Remember, your attendance at one of the 8 clinics on the project requirements is mandatory in order to be able to exhibit your project at the fair this year. Please CLICK here the ...
OSU Experts Offer Beef Quality Assurance Training Workshop
The workshop is targeted toward any cattle producer who is interested in learning proper management techniques to ensure a safe and wholesome beef product for consumers, said John Grimes, beef coordinator for Ohio State University Extension and a member o ...
Canning Fruits & Tomatoes
Come learn more about basic home food preservation of fruits and tomatoes using water bath canning. To register, call 740.652.7260, email Kelley Scott at, or visit Pickerington Public Library's Facebook page at https://www.facebook ...
2015 Ohio Sheep Day
The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center and Ohio State University Extension present 2015 Ohio Sheep Day at the Greene County farm of Jim and Denise Percival. Topics include: Pasture renovation, Sheep management, Equipment, Manure and compost ...
Tree Tour and Talks
The Miami County Master Gardeners present a walking tour of Miami County's "Barboretum" and featured speakers include Fred Hower, "The Ohio Nurseryman". Registration information can be found here. ...
Goat Clinic
Poultry and Rabbit Clinic