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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Chow Line: Calorie confusion can derail weight loss (for 7/15/07)

    June 29, 2007 I want to lose weight, but I don't want to go "on a diet"-- diets have never worked for me in the past. Any ideas? You have discovered what most dietitians know from experience: When people go "on" a diet, they also ...

  2. Chow Line: Calcium difficult for body to absorb (for 5/25/08)

    May 16, 2008 I always have milk in the morning with my high-fiber cereal. But a friend told me that fiber prevents the body from absorbing calcium. If that's true, what should I do? That's not completely true, but it is something to be aware of. ...

  3. Chow Line: Caffeine OK, but can irritate stomach (for 10/28/07)

    October 19, 2007 A colleague just experienced a bout of stomach flu. As she recovered, she said she felt OK as long as she didn't consume caffeine. Was it the caffeine or the coffee that upset her stomach? Actually, it probably was the caffeine. Whil ...

  4. Instruction

    Class Instruction At the request of the instructors, librarians teach various topics to classes including: how to research (finding books, articles, etc.) MLA citation how to avoid plagiarism This takes place in the library computer lab if the class has 2 ...

  5. Pedal Power! Try Bike-based E-charger at Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair

    April 16, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio — Try a pedal-powered battery charger — built from mostly easy-to-get parts for less than $200, not counting the bike and bike stand — at Ohio State University's Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray and Green Fair.   "This c ...

  6. Ohio State Experts on Emerald Ash Borer (Updated February 2007)

    November 14, 2000 WOOSTER, Ohio — The following experts with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) and Ohio State University Extension are available to speak with the media about emerald ash borer (EAB) — an invasive pest that is t ...

  7. See Our New Website,

    March 2, 2011 Please see our new web news release web site at NULL ...

  8. Minnesotans Learn about Value of Trees, Invasive Insects from OSU Extension Team

    August 10, 2009 WOOSTER, Ohio — The Ohio State University Extension Nursery, Landscape and Turf Team's (ENLTT) recent educational road trip to Minnesota is an excellent example of what universities, communities and industry — not to mention states — ...

  9. OARDC Announces 2008 Grad Student Poster Winners

    April 18, 2008 WOOSTER, Ohio — Here are the winners of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) Graduate Student Poster Competition held during OARDC's 2008 Annual Research Conference April 17 in Wooster:   Ph.D. Category • First ...

  10. Chow Line: Sunscreen interferes with vitamin D (for the week of 5/4/08)

    April 25, 2008 I know the body makes its own vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight, but I've heard that sunscreens prevent that from happening. Is that true? Yes, it is true. And experts offer conflicting guidance on the topic, depending on ...
