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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Pesticide License Testing 2015

    OSU Extension Wayne County has set up testing dates with the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) to allow private and commercial applicators to obtain a pesticide applicators license. To obtain a license, applicators must take and pass a core exam plus o ...

  2. 2015 4-H Achievement Record Applications

    Dear 4-H Teen Leader: I invite you to consider applying for one or more of our Wayne County, Ohio, and national 4-H activities, awards, trips, and/or scholarships.  There are many opportunities available to teens that are 14 and older as of January 1, 201 ...

  3. Wreaths for our Veterans

    On Saturday, December 2nd, 2017, members of the OSU Extension – Master Gardener Volunteer Program will gather together and place over 150 wreaths on graves to honor veterans during the holiday season as a part of the Wreaths for Our Veterans program.   To ...

  4. Ag Tax Issues Workshop

    Anyone who works with agricultural taxes is invited to attend the agriculture and natural resources tax issues workshop that will be held on Monday, December 15.  This workshop is provided in a webinar format and taught by Professor Phillip Harris from th ...

  5. Seasonings and Sauces

    new recipes coming soon... ...

  6. Slow Cooker Recipes

    new recipes coming soon... ...

  7. Pesticide Applicator Recertification Programs

    Private pesticide applicators with a license to purchase and apply restricted use pesticides are required to attend 3 hours of recertification training every 3 years to maintain their license.  Private applicator license categories are: Core (basic pestic ...

  8. Trina Beebe

    Trina Beebe Administrative Office Manager 614-292-6909 200N Agricultural Administration B.A., Missions/Bible, Cincinnati Christian University, 1979 PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES * Perform administrative management for the department and depa ...

  9. Ink Pots

    Join Mahoning County Master Gardeners Lil Quaranta and Pam Baytos for a day of crafting and painting flower pots!  For more information, click HERE ...

  10. Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Programs

    Fertilizer applicators who received certification are on a 3-year renewal cycle similar to the pesticide license applicator program.  Those applicators who received certification during the fall of 2014 or winter of 2015 need to attend fertilizer recertif ...
