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Youth Protection Training
MGV Meeting
Youth Protection Training will be conducted for all volunteers in attendance. This is a new requirement of The Ohio State University. ...
Quality Assurance Test Out
There are two separate tests. One for 12-14 year olds and one for 15-18 year olds (Age as of January 1st). If you test out when you are 12, 13, or 14, you will have to test again when you turn 15. The test is 50 multiple choice questions and you must sco ...
Quality Assurance Test Out
There are two separate tests. One for 12-14 year olds and one for 15-18 year olds (Age as of January 1st). If you test out when you are 12, 13, or 14, you will have to test again when you turn 15. The test is 50 multiple choice questions and you must sco ...
4-H CARTEENS is a traffic safety program conducted by 4-H teen leaders and their program partners for juvenile traffic offenders. 4-H CARTEENS goals include: reducing the number of repeat juvenile traffic offenders, decreasing the number of teen traffic o ...
New 4-H Parent Orientation
We will be holding a New 4-H Parent Orientation on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. in the Extension Meeting Room. We will discuss the 4-H basics, local and state 4-H opportunities, deadlines, completion requirements, project guidelines, completing a 4 ...
New 4-H Volunteer Orientation
Adults who are interested in becoming 4-H club advisors must complete the volunteer application process prior to service. The process includes submitting all materials from the volunteer application packet, participating in an interview with the 4-H Youth ...
Quality Assurance Session
We will be offering Quality Assurance to certain clubs on certain dates to try to minimize overcrowding at any one session. If you cannot attend on your club’s scheduled date, then please feel free to attend any of the other regular sessions. However, you ...
Quality Assurance Session
We will be offering Quality Assurance to certain clubs on certain dates to try to minimize overcrowding at any one session. If you cannot attend on your club’s scheduled date, then please feel free to attend any of the other regular sessions. However, you ...
Quality Assurance Session
We will be offering Quality Assurance to certain clubs on certain dates to try to minimize overcrowding at any one session. If you cannot attend on your club’s scheduled date, then please feel free to attend any of the other regular sessions. However, you ...