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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. 2016 Jr. Livestock Auction Buyer's Breakfast


  2. 4-H Leader's Banquet


  3. Wheat Management Practices

              A successful winter wheat crop, encompassing good yield and grain quality, begins with what goes into the soil at planting time in the fall of the year.  Crop rotation, variety selection, planting date, seeding rate and fertility are all managem ...

  4. Monthly MGV meeting


  5. Alfalfa and Fall Rest Period

              The long-standing recommendation has been to take the last harvest of alfalfa by early September in northern Ohio.  The reason is to allow alfalfa plants 4 to 6 weeks growth before a killing frost to accumulate root carbohydrates.  We have talke ...

  6. Heiby to complete Ohio agriscience education internship

    Logan Heiby, of Celina, will complete an internship that will promote the agriscience education profession. During the internship, Heiby will work to promote the profession by facilitating workshops at Ohio FFA Convention, Ohio FFA Camp Muskingum, and the ...

  7. Walls to complete Ohio agriscience education internship

    Kayla Walls, of Mendon, will complete an internship with Ohio FFA that will promote the agriscience education profession. The Ohio Agriscience Internship Program serves as an intensive program to prepare current college students for careers as agricultura ...

  8. Extension Advisory Committee


  9. Bobcats in Coshocton County

    Mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 7, 6:30 pm at the Frontier Power Community Room when Dr. Weyrauch will share her knowledge and research on bobcats in Coshocton County. This program is free and open to the public. Please RSVP to 740.622.2265, r ...

  10. Masambuka delivers presentation to Prince Albert II of Monaco on behalf of the Global Water Institute

    Prince Albert II of Monaco recently visited Ohio State to learn about the various efforts being conducted at the university devoted to sustainable development and climate change.  Prince Albert II has long championed these causes and established the Princ ...
