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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Cover Crop Soil Health Workshop

    Farmers will have the opportunity to learn about cover crops and soil health in an all day workshop at the Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory on Thursday, January 14.  This program will be held in the banquet room of the Plaza Inn, 491 S Main Street, Mou ...

  2. New and Small Farms College

    Are you interested in learning how to make the most of a few acres?     If so, this eight-week course is just for you!  Filled with practical knowledge on a variety of topics— you won’t be disappointed! Course includes farm business management, tax inform ...

  3. 4-H Awareness Team


  4. Skillathon Committee


  5. Hall Addresses 2015 State Food Policy Summit

    OSU's Peggy Hall presented Engaging in the Food System--Challenges for Local Food Producers at the State Food Policy Summit hosted by OSU's John Glenn College of Public Affairs on June 4, 2015.   Hall discussed two food policy issues that impact ...

  6. Open Horse Show


  7. Quality Assurance

    All 4-H and FFA members taking market or lactating livestock animals are required to meet the Quality Assurance Education requirement set by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. There were multiple Quality Assurance opportunites in Holmes County this year. ...

  8. Junior Fair Board Meeting


  9. Camp Counselor Training


  10. Goat Committee Meeting

