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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Mixed Heritage Buckeyes Meeting

      Time: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 6:00 PM- 7:30 PM Location: Multicultural Center Alonso Family Room We are a student organization dedicated to building community for students who identify as biracial/ethnic, multiracial/ethnic, and/or mixed race/ethn ...

  2. Cultural Competence in the 21st Century

    The College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences along with the College of  Social Work are hositng a keynote and workhsop presented by Caprice Hollins PsyD. Caprice Hollins, PsyD. And author of Diversity Equity and Inclusion: Strategies for F ...

  3. Cultural Competence in the 21st Century


  4. Grain Bin Preparation

    Grain harvest is fast approaching and given our current market situation, it is likely that this will be another year when grain storage will be an important piece of a grain marketing strategy.  It is likely that some grain bins have only recently been e ...

  5. Cultural Competence: Addressing Race Relations in the 21st Century

    Caprice Hollins, Psy.D., author of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Strategies for Facilitating Conversation on Race, is known nationally for her expertise in connecting cultures. This keynote address will provide a common framework and understanding of w ...

  6. Official Results

    2016 Wayne County Junior Fair Saturday September 10th Dairy Judging Contest Dairy Goat and Showmanship Show Market Goat Show ...

  7. 2017 4-H Camp Counselor Application Information

    All 4-H members who will be age 14 and at least a freshman in high school as of January 1, 2017, are invited to apply to become a 4-H Camp Counselor.  Counselors are responsible for planning and conducting all 4-H camp activities.  The application include ...

  8. Money 101: Session 4 CANCELLED

    Please call 330-264-8722 to reserve your space. ...

  9. Money 101: Session 3 CANCELLED

    Please call 330-264-8722 to reserve your space. ...

  10. Money 101: Session 2 CANCELLED

    Please call 330-264-8722 to reserve your space. ...
