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The Skilled Facilitator Workshop
Are you frustrated with business-as-usual meetings? How about conflict that sometimes happens in groups when decisions need to be made? You will learn skills and techniques to help your group solve tough problems. This day-long workshop will help you will ...
MIssion Possible: Positive Leadership Workshop
Are you a positive leader? Organizations that have a positive culture are more productive, have happier employees and most importantly, happy and satisfied customers. No matter what the current situation is, or who is causing the negativity in your organi ...
Applying Your Strengths @ Work Online Workshop
How you can apply your strengths at work. According to Gallup, employees who utilize their strengths at work are six times as likely to be engaged at work. You’ve taken the StrengthsFinder awareness workshop and learned your five strengths. This workshop ...
Learn How to Diagnose Tree Problems Workshop
This workshop is for tree and landscape professionals. See attached flier for more information. ...
CD Wire- July 25, 2016
Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being. AD Update: July 28 CD In-Service – Hosted by David Civittolo It’s hard to believe we are finishing up July and looking at the start of A ...
Why Americans Waste So Much Food
Even though American consumers throw away about 80 billion pounds of food a year, only about half of them are aware that food waste is a problem. Even more, researchers have identified that most people perceive benefits to throwing food away, some of whic ...
2016 State Fair Delegates and County Rosette Winners
Recognition of state fair delegates and county rosette recipients will take place during the 4-H Awards Presentation on Thursday, July 21, 2016, All Seasons Place (5256 Sebring Warner Road, Greenville), 7:00pm. Delegates who are unable to attend the awar ...
Lucas County- Canning Basics
Basics of home canning: water bath or pressure canning? Overview of food safety, the science of home canning and updated resources to help the home canner create a safe product. (this same presentation will also be offered at 1:00pm) ...
Lucas County- Canning Basics
Basics of home canning: water bath or pressure canning? Overview of food safety, the science of home canning and updated resources to help the home canner create a safe product. (this same presentation will be offered at 7:00pm) ...
Local Foods Week
From Adams to Wayne County, join thousands of Ohioans from across the state in a celebration of local foods, August 7-13, 2016. Ohio State University Extension educators are working with communities to showcase their local food producers through special e ...