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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. 4-H Open House

    Wayne County 4-H Open House Monday February 27, 2017 6:00 – 8:00 pm Fisher Auditorium, OSU Wooster Campus Parents and youth are invited to drop in and learn more about 4-H.  You can come and go anytime during the 6-8 pm time frame – you don’t have to stay ...

  2. Frost Seeding with a Drill

    Typically the period between mid to late February and the end of March can work well to renovate and improve pastures by frost seeding clover with a broadcast spreader and then letting the freeze/thaw cycles that occur work that seed into the soil to get ...

  3. Cloverbud Advisor Training


  4. 4-H FCS Committee Meeting


  5. Pillows for Kids Community Service Event

    Sew pillows that will be donated to Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus. Material and stuffing donations are needed to make the pillows. Please drop off any donations for this project to the Extension Office by Thursday, March 2nd. ...

  6. Pillows for Kids Community Service Event

    Cut out patterns for pillows that will be donated to Nationwide Childrens's Hospital in Columbus. Material and stuffing donations are needed to make the pillows. Please drop off any donations for this project to the Extension Office by Thursday, Marc ...

  7. Cupcake Wars

    Bring it on!! Decorate, Decorate, Decorate! Cupcakes will be judged for prizes and then taken to share in the community. ...

  8. Wear Your 4-H Shirts to Celebrate Ohio 4-H Week

    Wear 4-H shirts today! Share your 4-H spirit in your schools by wearing your favorite 4-H shirt. If you love 4-H camp, wear your shirts and encourage others to attend in 2017. You don’t have to be a 4-H member to attend camp as a camper. ...

  9. What’s the Buzz about the Rusty-patched Bumble Bee?

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  10. Ohio Legislature is Set to Reconsider CAUV Bill

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