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More People and Less Poverty in 2050: Satisfying the Rising Demand for Food
Globalized Fruit: Transnational Firms, Tropical Entrepreneurs and Governments, and Independent Banana Development
Indicated State 2014 ARC-CO and PLC per acre Payments by Crop and An Initial Comparison with per acre Direct Payments: January 2015
EERA Volunteer Conference
Livestock Sale Committee
4-H Goat Committee Meeting
Baby Beef Bowling
4-H Achievement Awards Due to Extension Office
New 4-H Parent Orientation
We will be holding a New 4-H Parent Orientation on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. in the Extension Meeting Room. We will discuss the 4-H basics, local and state 4-H opportunities, deadlines, completion requirements, project guidelines, completing a 4 ...
New 4-H Volunteer Orientation
Adults who are interested in becoming 4-H club advisors must complete the volunteer application process prior to service. The process includes submitting all materials from the volunteer application packet, participating in an interview with the 4-H Youth ...