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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. The Big Data Confusion: Answering Your Questions about Digital Agriculture

    Digital Agriculture includes large collections of farm data being used by farmers, companies, and government agencies to aid in decision making related to crop production and farm management.  It can also be used as a way to better predict nutrient availa ...

  2. The Process of Harvesting Miscanthus in Northeast Ohio

    Even though it is wintertime in Northeast Ohio, there is still plenty of action going on in our county’s agriculture industry.  Over the past two weeks, miscanthus harvest has begun in Northeast, Ohio.  Early reports are that nearly 350 acres (or almost 1 ...

  3. Conservation Tillage Conference Provides Answers

    Looking for ways to reduce costs, but keep profit margins steady?  Have you thought about how you might increase soybean yields without paying for additional inputs?  Can precision fertility work for your farm to increase production while at the same time ...

  4. Wheel Traffic Effect on Alfalfa Yield – Soil Compaction or Crown/Shoot Damage?

    Wheel traffic is a necessity for the production of alfalfa.  Regardless of the harvest method (green chopped or dry bales) producers must make decisions of when and how to drive equipment on alfalfa fields.  Early studies demonstrated that as much as 70% ...

  5. It Is Not Too Late to Apply Nitrogen on Wheat

    In many southern Ohio locations wheat has already reached Feekes Growth Stage 5. This is an ideal time to apply spring nitrogen: plants will soon begin a rapid uptake of N and the potential for N loss will be reduced because of this larger demand. The nor ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-15

    May 30, 2006- June 6, 2006 Tammy Dobbels In This Issue: Corn Replanting Considerations Using Bt Corn Borer Protection in Late Planting Armyworm in Corn Leaf Rust on Wheat Potato Leafhopper on Alfalfa Pythium on Corn and Soybeans Raising Corn or Weeds? Soy ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-22

    July 18, 2006- July 25, 2006 Jim Skeeles In This Issue: Phytophthora Stem Rot is Prevalent in Many Areas Detecting and Managing Leaf Diseases of Corn Sprouting and Moldy Wheat Wheat Varieties Suitable for 15-inch Rows and for Relay Intercropping Time to S ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-31

    September 17, 2007- September 24, 2007 Andy Kleinschmidt In This Issue: Fertilizing Established Alfalfa Stands This Fall Evaluating Corn Hybrid Demonstration Plots in 2007 Prepare Grain Bins and Harvesting Equipment Now for Fall Harvest Modified Relay Int ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-25

    August 6, 2007- August 14, 2007 Todd Mangen In This Issue: Soybean Aphid is Hitting Northeast Ohio Late season diseases: A diagnostic guide Fertilizer Price Outlook Fungicides should only be applied to a few fields Soil Quality Workshop Wheat Varieties Su ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-10

    April 24, 2007- April 30, 2007 Steve Prochaska In This Issue: Freeze Injury on Forages is Variable Across the State Plant Your Forages Now! Slug Update Alfalfa Weevil and the Recent Cold Snap Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start Rust Updat ...
