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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. MGV Summer Picnic


  2. 4-H Presentation, Marketing & Job Interview Contests

    Link to guidelines and sample scoresheets for all of these contests 4-H members who participate in public speaking contests gain many valuable life skills!  This is also a great project activity as it allows members to share the knowledge that they have g ...

  3. Hoof Trimming for Cattle

    Bring as many cattle as you would like. There will be a fee charged per head. Contact Charlie if you have questions ...

  4. Ohio 4-H Engineering team competed at National Contest

    The 12-member Ohio team excelled at the 63rd National 4-H Engineering Challenge held September 29-Oct. 1 at West Lafayette, Indiana. The event had 55 youth from 9 states competing in nine project areas.  Here are the members, county, and the contest areas ...

  5. Teen leadership Camp 2015

    The activities provided at this camp allow teens to build long-lasting friendships with other military youth in an environment designed to challenge and engage them. This camp is designed specifically with your teens in mind designed to challenge and enga ...

  6. OMK Youth Camp 2015 ages 9-11

    This camp is designed specifically with your youth (9-11) in mind. The fun and exciting activities allow these youth to build long lasting friendships in an environment designed to challenge and engage them.  Campers will have the opportunity to participa ...

  7. OMK Teen Camp ages 12-15

    This Camp is designed specifically with your teens in mind. The fun and exciting activities allow these youth to build long lasting friendships in an environment designed to challenge and engage them.  Campers will have the opportunity to participate in w ...

  8. Ohio Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) BEST Program

    The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) BEST program has teamed up with sponsor­ing partner, Weaver Livestock, to get new youth involved with the OCA BEST program. In 200 words or less, tell us why you should receive a Novice sponsorship covering your OCA ...

  9. Hero Camp Franklin County Sports

    If your child enjoys sports, wants to try a new sport or meet student athletes this is your hero camp!  Adults will have a family round table discussion then tour the venue.  Please remember that this a family event, all registrants are expected to stay f ...

  10. Family Day Hamilton County Farm 2015

    Your family will experience farm animals like never before at this venue!  Visit a live working farm in a very odd area, you don't want to miss this! Parents are required to stay for this event. This awesome program is fun and interactive for the who ...
