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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Hort & Crop Science Graduate Research Retreat

    Contact info: Regina Vann Hickok, Location: Kottman Hall Auditorium, Columbus Who is invited: HCS graduate Students, postdoc, visiting scholars and faculty, and those with an interest in graduate studies. Purpose of events: Share graduate r ...

  2. Hort & Crop Science, Plant Pathology and Entomology Welcome Back Cookout

    Contact info: Regina Vann Hickok, Location: Kottman Hall Gazebo Who is invited: Friends, Faculty, Staff and Students of the Horticulture and Crop Science, Plant Pathology and Entomology Departments. Purpose of events: bringing students and ...

  3. Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workforce

    Millennials are no longer simply entering a multi-generational workforce; many are leading it.   As of 2015,  the majority of employees in the workforce are now Millennials, and many are being promoted to supervisory leadership positions.  This generation ...

  4. OSU will host Ag & Natural Resources Tax Issues Workshop on December 15, 2014

    OSU Income Tax Schools will again offer the Ag & Natural Resources Tax Issues Workshop by Professor Phil Harris.  The workshop will take place on December 15, 2014 at various locations around Ohio.  If you represent farmers, this full-day webinar will ...

  5. CFAES Retirement Celebration for Dr. Bobby Moser

    The CFAES retirement celebration for Dr. Bobby Moser is scheduled for Friday afternoon, September 14 from 3:00- 6:00 PM in the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center at 2201 Fred Taylor Dr. Columbus, OH.  (Time is subject to change.) Contact Joan Lieb ...

  6. May Session Begins


  7. State Science Day


  8. Spring Commencement


  9. Ohio FFA Convention

    Location: Ohio Expo Center ...

  10. Blue and Gold to Scarlet and Gray

    Location: CFAES Campus ...
