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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. SENR Seminar Series welcomes PhD Student Presentations

    The School of Environment and Natural Resources Seminar Series welcomes Lily Mank and  Casey Ortbahn, PhD students who will present their research starting at 4:00 p.m. in room 103 Kottman Hall or  via Zoom.  ...

  2. CARTEENS: Registration Closed. Class is at capacity.

    Check in from 6PM- 6:29PM. Class starts promptly at 6:30PM. Those not checked in and seated before 6:30PM will be counted as absent and will not receive any court attendance credit. The youth and parent/guardian must be present to check-in.  Participants ...

  3. School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) Student Research Symposium


  4. Wayne County 4-H / Jr. Fair Text Alerts

    Wayne County 4-H / Jr. Fair Text Alerts Wayne County 4-H and the Senior Fair Board have partnered together to provide text messaging alerts and updates for the 4-H and Junior Fair programs. Youth, parents, volunteers, other family members, alumni, auction ...

  5. Dense human population is linked to longer urban coyote survival

    Study finds access to nature isn’t key to animals’ success in the city COLUMBUS, Ohio – Tracking coyote movement in metropolitan areas shows the animals spend lots of time in natural settings, but a new study suggests the human element of city life has a ...

  6. Let’s Go! Owl Prowl set for Jan. 31

    Discover all there is to know about Ohio owls at Owl Prowl- a family friendly evening event! Owl crafts, tasty hot drinks and educational activities planned  “With winter being mating season for several Ohio owl species this is an excellent time to host t ...

  7. Volunteer Fingerprints Deadline


  8. Ohio 4-H Conference Deadline to Register


  9. Camp Counselor Training


  10. SENR Seminar Series welcomes Dr. Gabrielle Wong-Parodi

    The School of Environment and Natural Resources Seminar Series and the Decision Sciences Collaborative at The Ohio State University welcome  Dr. Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, assistant professor of Earth System Science and Environmental Social Science and center ...
