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Asmita Murumkar, Ph.D.
Asmita Murumkar, Ph.D. Ecosystems Services Field Specialist Modeling of hydrology; water quality; soil health; agroecosystem resilience 590 Woody Hates Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210 (614) 266-8567 Dr. Murumkar conducts applied research an ...
Garden Roundtable
Bring your questions and your knowledge to the Darke County Garden Roundtable. Caden will be hosting the Garden Roundtable monthly to discuss various topics. Two sessions a month will be held, one at noon and the other at 6 p.m. in the evening. If you wo ...
Garden Roundtable
Bring your questions and your knowledge to the Darke County Garden Roundtable. Caden will be hosting the Garden Roundtable monthly to discuss various topics. Two sessions a month will be held, one at noon and the other at 6 p.m. in the evening. If you wo ...
Shared Harvest
Shared Harvest is preparing boxes to be distributed to Darke County residents for this hands-free food distribution. A family receiving food will need to bring photo id and a piece of mail and will provide verbal self-attestation for income. All Darke ...
Fall Gardening
Learn to get ready for fall gardening with Darke County ANR Educator, Caden Buschur. Topics will include: Garden tasks for the fall, Best plants for a fall garden, and Weather considerations. ...
Shared Harvest
Shared Harvest is preparing boxes to be distributed to Darke County residents for this hands-free food distribution. A family receiving food will need to bring photo id and a piece of mail and will provide verbal self-attestation for income. All Darke ...
Organic Production
Join Caden Buschur, Darke County ANR Educator at Worch Memorial Public Library to learn about organic production. Topics include mechanical pest control, GMOs, and organic growing methods. ...
Darke County Junior Fair
If you have any questions related to Darke County Junior Fair events or activities, please send an email to This is the quickest and easiest way to get a response. Thank you for your patience! The Great Darke County Fair has a r ...
Now You're the Boss
“The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good [people] to do what he/she wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”-Theodore Roosevelt Congratulations, you’re advancing in your career. Yesterday, ...