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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. 2025 Garden Art Series- Botanical Cards

    2025 Garden Art Series The Mahoning County Master Gardeners will lead hands-on garden art demonstrations that participants will be able to make and take home. Workshops run on the second Wednesday of the month April-December at 6:30 pm in the Mahoning Cou ...

  2. Calendar

    ASAP – I’ve been trying to collect the attach information from many 4-H Clubs. If you haven’t already returned this document, please do so now or risk losing your charter.   ASAP – Little Ceasar’s Pizza Fundraiser! Stop by and pick up your order forms! Ea ...

  3. Sweet Success in Maple Innovations


  4. Kate Wells, Ph.D.

    Kate Wells, Ph.D. County Extension Educator, Community and Economic Development (Fayette County) 740-335-1150 Kate Wells is an OSU Extension Educator in Community & Economic Development for Fayette County, Ohio. In this role, she wo ...

  5. Morning with the Masters: Gardening for All Ages and Abilities

    Gardening for All Ages and Abilities Join our Master Gardener Volunteers to discuss options to make gardening easier and more accessible for people with limitations. We offer some tips to those with limited physical ability and gardening skills to make ga ...

  6. IMPLAN Extension Reports

    OSU Extension's IMPLAN User Team is interested in sharing timely economic reports with area leaders and other county staff on county or regional economies. IMPLAN is an economic input-output tool licensed by the CD unit that offers unique data sets f ...

  7. Problem-Solving, Creativity and Teamwork for Success

    Teamwork can be hard! Have you ever been frustrated with a team member and how they approach a task? Why they problem-solve differently than you? Why some people think “inside the box” and others can’t even “see the box”? The Kirton Adaption-Innovation In ...

  8. Growing the perfect Christmas tree: Ohio State researchers to launch new demonstration farm at CFAES Wooster

    WOOSTER, Ohio — What’s in a Christmas tree? ...

  9. 2025 BroadbandOhio Accelerator Project

    The BroadbandOhio Community Accelerator will be a collaborative effort by BroadbandOhio, Ohio State University Extension, Heartland Forward, and Benton Institute for Broadband & Society to help local governments throughout Ohio receive expert instruct ...

  10. Program to discuss leveraging the bioenergy potential of manure

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Jan. 14 Environmental Professionals Network (EPN) breakfast program will offer strategies to limit the release of methane into the atmosphere. ...
