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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    Laurelville Senior Center 16184 Maple St Laurelville, OH 43135 There is no charge for the program, but pre-registration is required. Please RSVP to: OSU Extension, Pickaway County 740-474-7534   ...

  2. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    Commercial Point Men’s Club 26 W Scioto St Commercial Point, OH 43116 There is no charge for the program, but pre-registration is required. Please RSVP to: OSU Extension, Pickaway County 740-474-7534   ...

  3. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    Williamsport American Legion Hall 107 Green St Williamsport, OH 43164 There is no charge for the program, but pre-registration is required. Please RSVP to: OSU Extension, Pickaway County 740-474-7534   ...

  4. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    Monroe Township Hall 12452 State Route 316 Mt Sterling, OH 43143 There is no charge for the program, but pre-registration is required. Please RSVP to: OSU Extension, Pickaway County 740-474-7534   ...

  5. Ag Outlook Breakfast Meeting

    Date: Tuesday January 6, 2015 Location: Circleville Presbyterian Church, 134 E Mound St, Circleville, OH Time: 7:30am Cost: $10.00/person RSVP: Pickaway County Extension Office at 740-474-7534 By: December 29, 2014 ...

  6. Committees

    Get Involved! There are a variety of opportunities for parents, volunteers, and advisors to play a key role in the development and implementation of 4-H program areas. One way to get involved is to join, or visit, a 4-H advisory committee meeting. Not all ...

  7. Teens Awards Kick-off Night

    Reservations are required no later than Wednesday, December 3rd by 4:30 pm, call 740-474-7534 ...

  8. Middle Great Miami Watershed Alliance

    MGM Watershed Alliance- A Wise Use of Resources The Middle Great Miami Watershed Alliance promotes the wisest use of our land and water resources for the present and for future generations. As a sponsoring agency of the Alliance, Miami County Extension wo ...

  9. Farm Science Review to be held September 16-18

    The Molly Caren Agricultural Center near London, Ohio is home to the Farm Science Review (FSR), which attracts more than 140,000 visitors from all over the United States and Canada, who come for three days to peruse 4,000 product lines from 600 commercial ...

  10. Junior Fair Steer Weigh-In

    4-H and FFA members/parents must bring the steer calves to the weigh-in to be eligible to show the steer(s) at the Pickaway County Fair in 2015. This weigh in is mandatory. ...
