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Pesticide Exam
Register online at Study materials can be purchased in our office. ...
Conservation Tillage Conference
The full schedule and registration link can be found at ...
Miami County Fertilizer and Pesticide Recertification Meeting
Chamber Ag Day- 3 Hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training
Please see the flyer at this link to see the full list of activities and for registration information. Fulfills certification requirements This meeting will fulfill the three-hour requirement for applicators who need the agricultural fertilizer applicator ...
Sheep Clinic
There will be a sheep clinic on Saturday March 5, 2016 starting at 9:00 a.m. at Sentinel. Sheep exhibitors will be able to explore Skill-a-thon stations, meet with local feed and supplement providers, and attend a Quality Assurance session which starts a ...
MG Coffee Series- Starting Seeds Indoors
Can't Wait for Spring? Try starting seeds indoors! Learn when to start your seeds indoors for outside plantings. Barb will discuss the importance of using the correct growing medium, proper lighting, and correct watering procedures for successful ger ...
4-H Volunteers Travel the Globe to Visit Their “Kids”
Ask most parents how many children they have and you’ll get a fairly prompt reply. Ask Barb & George Wyndham of Kenton, Ohio and they may start counting on their fingers. “We have three biological daughters; that part is easy,” muses George. As for th ...
MG Coffee Series- Soil Amendments
Soil Amendments: What is in all those bags at the garden center and what do they do? So many choices! Learn what your garden really needs before the enticing garden centers lure us in at the first sign of spring. Mulch, compost, fertilizer and growing med ...
Volunteer/Club Update
4-H Science Saturday- Food for Thought
Join us on SciSat for "Food for Thought." Dr. Mary Kay Pohlschneider from OSU's Department of Food Science and Technology joins us to explain the science behind good nutrition and how a peanut is saving lives. ...