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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Eight ACEL Students named to CFAES Ambassador Team

    Eight students from the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership were named as ambassadors for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.  CFAES Ambassadors are a team of 20 to 30 students, selected through a ...

  2. Farm to School

    Ohio Farm to School Ohio State University Extension’s Farm to School (F2S) program provides resources to help schools procure and serve locally produced food. The program also helps students understand where their food comes from, and how their food choic ...

  3. Aquaponics Workshop

    Are you new to aquaponics or an experienced grower? If so, this workshop is for you. Learn about the different aquaponics methods, aquaponics food production, business aspects and marketing strategies, how to handle and maintain your fish and plants, and ...

  4. Aquaculture Marketing & Processing Workshop

    Are you a fish producer or thinking about growing fish or starting an aquaponics business? If so, this workshop is for you. Learn how to sell what you produce and develop marketing strategies that are the right fit for your business. Sessions will be taug ...

  5. Ask a Master Gardener


  6. Farm to School


  7. Holmes County Successful Co-Parenting

    Meeting spaces is not handicap accessible, please let us know if you need accommodations. ...

  8. OSU Extension Personnel Directory


  9. Christmas Day observed


  10. Presidents' Day observed

