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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Aligned Investments

    Intentional investments that align with the priorities of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES), the University, national Extension networks, and community collaborators. ...

  2. Innovation

    Innovative impacts that are relevant locally, responsive statewide, recognized nationally, and related to shared international interests. ...

  3. Crops and Forages Field Day

    This Event is Rescheduled- More Information to Come Ever wondered how to determine forage quality or how to harvest for optimum quality on your farm?  Or maybe you’d like to learn more about the crops you have growing in your fields.  Either way, join us ...

  4. 2018 School Food Service Conference

       Who: Cafeteria Staff, RD's, DTR's, Parents, PTO, Wellness Teams Fee: $15 Continuing Education: Credits for RD, USDA Professional Standards Credits ...

  5. Canning and Preservation Series: Jams and Jellies

    This event has been cancelled 1 p.m.- 2:30 p.m.   Beth Stefura | Jams and Jellies 2:30 p.m.- 4 p.m.   Peg Zeleznik | Strawberries It's home canning time again! For those planning to preserve food at home this summer season, it's also time to che ...

  6. Entrepreneurial Leadership

    Entrepreneurial leadership to advance performance. ...

  7. Customer Experience

    The customer, partner, and employee experience. ...

  8. Urban Engagement

    Urban engagement that addresses Ohio's urban influence and facilitates connections along the urban-rural continuum.   ...

  9. MGV Writing Workshop

    For registration information, click HERE Interested in writing articles for the Vindicator or other Extension events?  If so, or if you’ve written in the past, join us to learn about different writing techniques and all the writing “Dos” and “Don’ts”.  Th ...

  10. Leadership in the City Course Registration

    Are you interested in Extension in urban areas and ready to improve your knowledge, skills, and results? Have you heard about the Leadership in the City 10-month online course? This comprehensive professional development program will help you learn about ...
