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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Serv Safe Manager's Certification

    For registration information, click  HERE  This class will be held January 28, 29 and 30, 2019.   Times: 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Days 1 and 2             8 a.m.- Noon Day 3 The ServSafe® program provides accurate, up-to-date information for all levels of employees ...

  2. Garden Art Series: Holiday Containers

    For registration information, click HERE Join us to a look at turning your pots into holiday masterpieces! We’ll cover form and style, along with finding and using several kinds of greenery, berries and other cuttings from your landscape. Go beyond the fi ...

  3. Perspectives on the Urban-Rural Divide

    The facts are stark. Economic change and recovery in our nation have resulted in vastly different opportunities and outcomes for individuals and families based on where they live. An urban-rural divide narrative is solidifying around these trends. Follow ...

  4. The Man Showing the Country What Makes Cities Work

    Steve Benjamin represents the interests of U.S. mayors. When it comes to his city, he's interested in the "three I's" of city life- infrastructure, innovation, and inclusion. Follow this link to read the complete article. ...

  5. 2018 Food Service Conference

    For registration information, click HERE Are you a member of your local school’s cafeteria staff, a registered dietician, or maybe a member of the PTA?  If so, then we have the conference for you!  The 2018 Food Service Conference will focus on developing ...

  6. Forage Quality and Crop Field Day

    For Registration Information, click HERE Ever wondered how to determine forage quality or how to harvest for optimum quality on your farm?  Or maybe you’d like to learn more about the crops you have growing in your fields.  Either way, join us for a field ...

  7. Bring One Take One: Flower and Seed Exchange

    To learn more, click HERE Check in: 9:30- 10:30 a.m. Exchange starts: 11 a.m. Join us for the 2018 Bring One Take One Plant Exchange!  Participating is easy; just bring a plant you would like to exchange, and head home with a new and vibrant addition to y ...

  8. Caterpillars

    For registration information, click HERE Join us for a tale of birds, plants and conservation with Jim McCormac, retired ODNR botanist.  During his 31 years with ODNR, McCormac authored multiple books and took many on tours through Ohio’s nature.  His pas ...

  9. Coyotes

    For registration information, click HERE Cleveland Metroparks Wildlife Ecologist, Jon Cepek, will present information about coyote ecology, urban adaptation and contributing factors to human and pet encounters.  You will learn information based on local a ...

  10. Concert of Crickets and Katydids

    For registration information, click HERE Join us to learn about the musicality of natures insects with Dr. Lisa Rainsong.  Dr. Rainsong spends much of her time studying and teaching music theory, while also taking time to appreciate and learn from nature’ ...
