CFAES Give Today
Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Master Gardener Program Host Allen County MGV


  2. Children's Day at the Friendship Garden


  3. Master Gardener Meeting


  4. Master Gardener Meeting


  5. Master Gardener Plant Sale


  6. Master Gardener Plant Sale Set Up


  7. Deadline to Order Jr. Fair Turkeys and Chicks

    NEW – Since the January / February 4-H newsletter was sent out, the process to order Jr Fair turkeys and chicks has changed! To order your turkeys and chicks you must go online to (CaSe SEnsiTIvE link). 4-H and FFA members c ...

  8. Help Wanted: Summer 4-H Assistant Position Now Available

    The Wayne County Extension Office is planning to hire a Summer 4-H Assistant / Intern.  This position will be a temporary full-time position running from Mid-May to Mid-August.   The successful candidate will assist the office in planning, preparing, and ...

  9. 2015 4-H Enrollment Deadline

    Please note that many 4-H club advisors set an earlier deadline to receive enrollments so they have time to go through them, alphabetize them, and prepare to submit them to the Extension Office by 4:30 pm on April 1st.  Youth and parents should contact th ...

  10. New 4-H Volunteer Orientation and Required Advisor Training Update

    Nearly 300 4-H Advisors / Volunteers completed the new required training sessions on Recognizing and Reporting the Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect that our office offered in February!  To assist those who were unable to attend in February we are offering ...
