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Drive a Little, Learn a Lot
There are two good OSU Extension conferences coming up in March a short drive away at the R.G. Drage Career Center, 2800 Richville Drive SE in Massillon that offer some good learning opportunities. The East Ohio Women in Agriculture (WIA) confe ...
Ohio 4-H Sea Camp
Check out more information about Sea Camp on the Ohio 4-H website. Counselor Application ...
Pesticide Exam Prep Workshop
Core topics- 10 a.m.- 11:30 Category 1 (Field Crops)- 12:30- 2:00 Cost is $15 by March 15. After March 15 is $25. ...
What's Ahead For Agriculture Breakfast
Speaker: Fred Yoder, Madison County Farmer and Agricultural Advisory Committee member for President Trump Cost is $5- includes light breakfast. Deadline to register is March 10. Details ...
Fruit Production
OSU Factsheets D iseases of Apples Brambles- blackberries, black/red raspberries Grapes Blueberries Pruning Peaches ...
4-H News and Notes: February 23, 2017
Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, Listed below are a few important reminders and upcoming events. Please click the links below for more details. Livestock Judging and Meats Judging Teams Now Forming 4-H Open House- February 27th STAR Club Award Cr ...
Livestock Judging and Meats Judging Teams Now Forming
4-H members interested in Livestock Judging should contact Erin Lucci at 240-682-0801 and those interested in Meats Judging Team should contact Clint Walenciak at 330-465-3649. Both teams have practices at Certified Angus Beef in Wooster and participate ...
2017 Junior Fair Schedule Finalized
The last few months have been spent trying to create a schedule for the sheep and swine arena that accommodates all departments’ needs, while not infringing on our exhibitors’ rights to worship on Sunday and working for the betterment of our fair. Many id ...
Manure Spreader Calibration
Invariably when I talk about manure spreader calibration there are a few chuckles. The image of a manure spreader doesn’t call to mind a piece of equipment that needs calibration; it is the equivalent of a hammer in a carpenter’s toolbox. No c ...
Dairy Conferences Provide Learning Opportunities
There are two dairy conferences scheduled in early March that will provide area dairy producers with the opportunity to learn skills and hear information that can help them with the production management and financial management tasks of operati ...