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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Thanks for donations to Operation Feed!

    Thanks to everyone who donated to the 2011 Operation Feed Drive. AEDE collected 81 food items and $73.00 which will provide 227 meals. Thank you to Diana Lantz for organizing this year’s drive! ...

  2. OSU to host Ohio Oil and Gas Law Symposium

    With shale development hitting Ohio at a rapid pace, OSU’s Agricultural & Resource Law Program will host the fi rst Ohio Oil and Gas Law Symposium titled “The New Ohio Oil and Gas Boom: Drilling into Legal Issues,” on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at the Lo ...

  3. 2014 Ohio Grain Farmers Symposium


  4. Questions you should be asking yourself about your crop program decisions


  5. Fairfield County Homemakers

    Program- Food Shopping “insider” tips ...

  6. Youth Livestock Judging Team Informational Meeting

    An informational meeting for those Fairfield County FFA and 4-H members who have an interest in learning to evaluate livestock, and participate on County livestock judging teams. ...

  7. Youth Livestock Judging Team Informational Meeting

    An informational meeting for those Fairfield County FFA and 4-H members who have an interest in learning to evaluate livestock, and participate on County livestock judging teams. ...

  8. Examining Land Values, Cash Rents, Crop Input Costs & Potential Crop Profitability in 2015


  9. Reducing phosphorus emissions: Why voluntary programs struggle and market-based instruments are likely to work best


  10. Lake Erie algae: Views of Ohioans on causes and solutions pre- and post-Toledo

