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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Upcoming Pesticide-Fertilizer Recertification Classes; Pressure Canner Testing

    Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification, Mid-Ohio Growers Meeting For those needing to complete a recertification course for their private pesticide applicators license or their fertilizer applicators certification, there are several opportunities in Way ...

  2. Mercy Odemba

    Mercy Odemba Research Associate Kottman Hall (310F) PhD Biology- Utah State University (2024) MS Plant Breeding- Egerton University, Kenya (2018) BS Agriculture- Egerton University, Kenya (2014) I received my PhD in Biology from Utah Stat ...

  3. Corporate Transparency Act Reporting Requirements Suspended Once Again... For Now

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  4. Livestock and Cold Temperatures- Pay Attention to the 'Real Feel'

    We know that any species of livestock will struggle in the heat of summer, but the cold of winter can be even more challenging ...

  5. Ask These Questions, Then Find The Path To Reach Set Goals

    As we think about work, what is it that you are passionately working towards?  If you aren’t sure, answer some of these questions  ...

  6. All New FFA Scholarships!

    We are thrilled to announce we are now offering scholarships of up to $10,000 for the top teams and top individual winners in the State FFA Agronomy + Floriculture Career Development Events (CDE)... ...

  7. The 2024 Diabetes Awareness Month Webinar Series

    November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. Join Ohio State University Extension’s Diabetes team at noon on Fridays in November for a complimentary 30-minute diabetes class, live online. header button for if there are multiple ...

  8. Focus On Meaningful Conversations: Tips On Sharing And Listening

    As you spend time with family and friends during this holiday week, I challenge you to focus on actively connecting with loved ones ...

  9. Manager's Library Series

    Manager's Library Series A special initiative of the FFMPI is to provide resources to help managers as they direct, control and manage their operation. This series is being written in collaboration with Purdue University Extension. T opics will cover ...

  10. Federal Appeals Court Reinstates Corporate Transparency Act Reporting Requirements

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